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Distributed protocols for ensuring both coverage and connectivity of a wireless sensor network

Published: 01 March 2007 Publication History


Wireless sensor networks have attracted a lot of attention recently. Such environments may consist of many inexpensive nodes, each capable of collecting, storing, and processing environmental information, and communicating with neighboring nodes through wireless links. For a sensor network to operate successfully, sensors must maintain both sensing coverage and network connectivity. This issue has been studied in wang et al. [2003] and Zhang and Hou [2004a], both of which reach a similar conclusion that coverage can imply connectivity as long as sensors' communication ranges are no less than twice their sensing ranges. In this article, without relying on this strong assumption, we investigate the issue from a different angle and develop several necessary and sufficient conditions for ensuring coverage and connectivity of a sensor network. Hence, the results significantly generalize the results in Wang et al. [2003] and Zhang and Hou [2004a]. This work is also a significant extension of our earlier work [Huang and Tseng 2003; Huang et al. 2004], which addresses how to determine the level of coverage of a given sensor network but does not consider the network connectivity issue. Our work is the first work allowing an arbitrary relationship between sensing ranges and communication distances of sensor nodes. We develop decentralized solutions for determining, or even adjusting, the levels of coverage and connectivity of a given network. Adjusting levels of coverage and connectivity is necessary when sensors are overly deployed, and we approach this problem by putting sensors to sleep mode and tuning their transmission powers. This results in prolonged network lifetime.


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  1. Distributed protocols for ensuring both coverage and connectivity of a wireless sensor network



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        Published In

        cover image ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks
        ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks  Volume 3, Issue 1
        March 2007
        171 pages
        Issue’s Table of Contents


        Association for Computing Machinery

        New York, NY, United States

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        Publication History

        Published: 01 March 2007
        Published in TOSN Volume 3, Issue 1


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        Author Tags

        1. Ad hoc network
        2. connectivity
        3. coverage
        4. energy conservation
        5. power control
        6. sensor network
        7. wireless network


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