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Polychronous design of embedded real-time applications

Published: 01 April 2007 Publication History


Embedded real-time systems consist of hardware and software that controls the behavior of a device or plant. They are ubiquitous in today's technological landscape and found in domains such as telecommunications, nuclear power, avionics, and medical technology. These systems are difficult to design and build because they must satisfy both functional and timing requirements to work correctly in their intended environment. Furthermore, embedded systems are often critical systems, where failure can lead to loss of life, loss of mission, or serious financial consequences. Because of the difficulty in creating these systems and the consequences of failure, they require rigorous and reliable design approaches. The synchronous approach is one possible answer to this demand. Its mathematical basis provides formal concepts that favor the trusted design of embedded real-time systems. The multiclock or polychronous model stands out from other synchronous specification models by its capability to enable the design of systems where each component holds its own activation clock as well as single-clocked systems in a uniform way. A great advantage is its convenience for component-based design approaches that enable modular development of increasingly complex modern systems. The expressiveness of its underlying semantics allows dealing with several issues of real-time design. This article exposes insights gained during recent years from the design of real-time applications within the polychronous framework. In particular, it shows promising results about the design of applications from the avionics domain.


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ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology  Volume 16, Issue 2
April 2007
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Published: 01 April 2007
Published in TOSEM Volume 16, Issue 2


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  1. Avionics
  2. IMA
  3. Signal
  4. Synchronous approach


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