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View all- Mokaya FNoh HLucas RZhang P(2018)MyoVibeACM Transactions on Sensor Networks10.1145/314912714:1(1-26)Online publication date: 7-Mar-2018
- Lan LCong MFedkiw RPearce AGossett CHorvath CPhillips C(2017)Lessons from the evolution of an anatomical facial muscle modelProceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Production Symposium10.1145/3105692.3105693(1-3)Online publication date: 29-Jul-2017
- Yu JLi LZou J(2017)Realistic emotion visualization by combining facial animation and hairstyle synthesisMultimedia Tools and Applications10.1007/s11042-016-4239-876:13(14905-14919)Online publication date: 1-Jul-2017
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