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Bayesian ideas and discrete event simulation: why, what and how

Published: 03 December 2006 Publication History


Bayesian methods are useful in the simulation context for several reasons. They provide a convenient and useful way to represent uncertainty about alternatives (like manufacturing system designs, service operations, or other simulation applications) in a way that quantifies uncertainty about the performance of systems, or about inputs parameters of those systems. They also can be used to improve the efficiency of discrete optimization with simulation and response surface methods. Bayesian methods work well with other decision theoretic tools, and can therefore provide a link from traditional operations-level experiments to higher-level managerial decision-making needs, in addition to improving the efficiency of computer experiment


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cover image ACM Conferences
WSC '06: Proceedings of the 38th conference on Winter simulation
December 2006
2429 pages


  • IIE: Institute of Industrial Engineers
  • ASA: American Statistical Association
  • IEICE ESS: Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Engineering Sciences Society
  • IEEE-CS\DATC: The IEEE Computer Society
  • SIGSIM: ACM Special Interest Group on Simulation and Modeling
  • NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • (SCS): The Society for Modeling and Simulation International
  • INFORMS-CS: Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences-College on Simulation


Winter Simulation Conference

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Published: 03 December 2006

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December 3 - 6, 2006
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