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View all- Kim SNelson BTew J(2007)Recent advances in ranking and selectionProceedings of the 39th conference on Winter simulation: 40 years! The best is yet to come10.5555/1351542.1351576(162-172)Online publication date: 9-Dec-2007
Antithetic variates and control variates are two well-known variance reduction techniques. We consider combining antithetic variates and control variates to estimate the mean response in a stochastic simulation experiment. When applying antithetic ...
In stochastic systems, quantiles indicate the level of system performance that can be delivered with a specified probability, while probabilities indicate the likelihood that a specified level of system performance can be achieved. We present new ...
New point and interval estimators for quantiles that employ a control variate are introduced. The properties of these estimators do not depend on the usual assumption of joint normality between the random variable of interest and the control. ...
Winter Simulation Conference
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