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10.5555/1218112.1218383acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PageswscConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Application of stochastic optimization method for an urban corridor

Published: 03 December 2006 Publication History


This paper presents a stochastic traffic signal optimization method that consists of the CORSIM microscopic traffic simulation model and a heuristic optimizer. For the heuristic optimizer, the performance of three widely used optimization methods (i.e., genetic algorithm, simulated annealing and OptQuest Engine) was compared using a real world test corridor with 12 signalized intersections in Fairfax, Virginia, USA. The performance of the proposed stochastic optimization method was compared with an existing signal timing optimization program, SYNCHRO, under microscopic simulation environment. The results indicated that the genetic algorithm-based optimization method outperforms the SYNCHRO program as well as the other stochastic optimization methods in the optimization of traffic signal timings for the test corridor.


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cover image ACM Conferences
WSC '06: Proceedings of the 38th conference on Winter simulation
December 2006
2429 pages


  • IIE: Institute of Industrial Engineers
  • ASA: American Statistical Association
  • IEICE ESS: Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Engineering Sciences Society
  • IEEE-CS\DATC: The IEEE Computer Society
  • SIGSIM: ACM Special Interest Group on Simulation and Modeling
  • NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • (SCS): The Society for Modeling and Simulation International
  • INFORMS-CS: Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences-College on Simulation


Winter Simulation Conference

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Published: 03 December 2006

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  • IIE
  • ASA
  • NIST
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WSC06: Winter Simulation Conference 2006
December 3 - 6, 2006
California, Monterey

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Overall Acceptance Rate 3,413 of 5,075 submissions, 67%


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