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View all- Ali ABeebe RPandian AYücesan E(2010)Simulation of fuel tank assembly and process analysis for performance improvementProceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference10.5555/2433508.2433699(1556-1566)Online publication date: 5-Dec-2010
- Ali ABeebe RPandian ADunkin AIngalls R(2009)Simulation of fuel tank assembly and process analysis for performance improvementWinter Simulation Conference10.5555/1995456.1995751(2154-2163)Online publication date: 13-Dec-2009
- Briggs DJefferson TFowler JIngalls R(2008)Embedding human scheduling in a steel plant simulationProceedings of the 40th Conference on Winter Simulation10.5555/1516744.1517086(1959-1967)Online publication date: 7-Dec-2008