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10.1145/1229285.1229291acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication Pagesasia-ccsConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Analyzing network traffic to detect self-decrypting exploit code

Published: 20 March 2007 Publication History


Remotely-launched software exploits are a common way for attackers to intrude into vulnerable computer systems. As detection techniques improve, remote exploitation techniques are also evolving. Recent techniques for evasion of exploit detection include polymorphism (code encryption) and meta-morphism (code obfuscation). This paper addresses the problem of detecting in network traffic polymorphic remote exploits that are encrypted, and that self-decrypt before launching the intrusion. Such exploits pose a great challenge to existing malware detection techniques, partly due to the non-obvious starting location of the exploit code in the network payload.We describe a new method for detecting self-decrypting exploit codes. This method scans network traffic for the presence of a decryption routine, which is characteristic of such exploits. The proposed method uses static analysis and emulated instruction execution techniques. This improves the accuracy of determining the starting location and instructions of the decryption routine, even if self-modifying code is used. The method outperforms approaches that have been previously proposed, both in terms of detection capabilities, and in detection accuracy.The proposed method has been implemented and tested on current polymorphic exploits, including ones generated by state-of-the-art polymorphic engines. All exploits have been detected (i.e., a 100% detection rate), including those for which the decryption routine is dynamically coded, or self-modifying. The false positive rate is close to 0%. Running time is approximately linear in the size of the network payload being analyzed.


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  1. Analyzing network traffic to detect self-decrypting exploit code



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    cover image ACM Conferences
    ASIACCS '07: Proceedings of the 2nd ACM symposium on Information, computer and communications security
    March 2007
    323 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 20 March 2007


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    Author Tags

    1. decryption
    2. detection
    3. emulation
    4. exploit code
    5. polymorphic
    6. static analysis


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