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Improving discriminative sequential learning by discovering important association of statistics

Published: 01 December 2006 Publication History


Discriminative sequential learning models like Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) have achieved significant success in several areas such as natural language processing or information extraction. Their key advantage is the ability to capture various nonindependent and overlapping features of inputs. However, several unexpected pitfalls have a negative influence on the model's performance; these mainly come from a high imbalance among classes, irregular phenomena, and potential ambiguity in the training data. This article presents a data-driven approach that can deal with such difficult data instances by discovering and emphasizing important conjunctions or associations of statistics hidden in the training data. Discovered associations are then incorporated into these models to deal with difficult data instances. Experimental results of phrase-chunking and named entity recognition using CRFs show a significant improvement in accuracy. In addition to the technical perspective, our approach also highlights a potential connection between association mining and statistical learning by offering an alternative strategy to enhance learning performance with interesting and useful patterns discovered from large datasets.


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  • (2013)From Creative Ideas Generation to Real World SolutionsMultidisciplinary Studies in Knowledge and Systems Science10.4018/978-1-4666-3998-0.ch008(95-112)Online publication date: 2013
  • (2011)From Creative Ideas Generation to Real World SolutionsInternational Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science10.4018/jkss.20110401032:2(31-48)Online publication date: 1-Apr-2011

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  1. Improving discriminative sequential learning by discovering important association of statistics



      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing
      ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing  Volume 5, Issue 4
      December 2006
      148 pages
      Issue’s Table of Contents


      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 01 December 2006
      Published in TALIP Volume 5, Issue 4


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      Author Tags

      1. Discriminative sequential learning
      2. association rule mining
      3. feature selection
      4. information extraction
      5. text segmentation


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      • (2013)From Creative Ideas Generation to Real World SolutionsMultidisciplinary Studies in Knowledge and Systems Science10.4018/978-1-4666-3998-0.ch008(95-112)Online publication date: 2013
      • (2011)From Creative Ideas Generation to Real World SolutionsInternational Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science10.4018/jkss.20110401032:2(31-48)Online publication date: 1-Apr-2011

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