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View all- Ge SU LMamoulis NCheung D(2015)Dominance relationship analysis with budget constraintsKnowledge and Information Systems10.1007/s10115-013-0694-y42:2(409-440)Online publication date: 1-Feb-2015
The concept of dominance has recently attracted much interest in the context of skyline computation. Given an N-dimensional data set S, a point p is said to dominate q if p is better than q in at least one dimension and equal to or better than it in the ...
The concept of dominance has recently attracted much interest in the context of skyline computation. Given an N-dimensional data set S, a point p is said to dominate q if p is better than q in at least one dimension and equal to or better than it in the ...
Given a d-dimensional data set, a point p dominates another point q if it is better than or equal to q in all dimensions and better than q in at least one dimension. A point is a skyline point if there does not exists any point that can dominate it. ...
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