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Analysis and verification of an automatic document feeder

Published: 11 March 2007 Publication History


Modern copying machines are versatile and complex systems in which embedded software plays an essential role. The progress towards faster and more stable machines that can satisfy ever growing customers' needs, places strict requirements on the efficiency and quality of such software. In order to meet these requirements, the software should be well-designed and free of errors. Using modern formal verification techniques, software designs can be checked for errors and deadlocks so that their quality can be assessed and improved at an early stage of the development process.
In this paper, we analyze the embedded software of an Automatic Document Feeder (ADF). ADFs are important components of copier machines. The ADF studied here is a prototype developed by Océ-Technologies B.V., a company that develops professional printing systems. We construct a model of the ADF in μcrl, a process algebra-based specification language, and express the system's requirements in the modal μ-calculus. Next, we use the μcrl and Cadp tool sets to check whether the system meets its requirements. This analysis reveals important errors in the ADF and we propose solutions to these problems. Also, we show that some requirements that engineers assumed to be valid, are too strict. We present slightly weaker versions of these requirements and show that these do hold. In this sense, in addition to finding errors in the ADF, our analysis also led to a better understanding of the behaviour the system.


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Cited By

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  • (2011)Analyzing the effects of formal methods on the development of industrial control softwareProceedings of the 2011 27th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance10.1109/ICSM.2011.6081983(467-472)Online publication date: 25-Sep-2011
  • (2010)Analysis of Distributed Systems with mCRL2Process Algebra for Parallel and Distributed Processing10.1201/9781420064872.pt2Online publication date: 31-Jan-2010



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cover image ACM Conferences
SAC '07: Proceedings of the 2007 ACM symposium on Applied computing
March 2007
1688 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 11 March 2007


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  1. copier
  2. document systems
  3. mCRL
  4. process algebra


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  • (2011)Analyzing the effects of formal methods on the development of industrial control softwareProceedings of the 2011 27th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance10.1109/ICSM.2011.6081983(467-472)Online publication date: 25-Sep-2011
  • (2010)Analysis of Distributed Systems with mCRL2Process Algebra for Parallel and Distributed Processing10.1201/9781420064872.pt2Online publication date: 31-Jan-2010

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