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System support for mobile augmented reality services

Published: 11 March 2007 Publication History


Developing and deploying augmented reality (AR) services in pervasive computing environments is quite difficult because almost of all current systems require heavy and bulky head-mounted displays (HMDs) and are based on inflexible centralized architectures for detecting service locations and superimposing AR images. We propose a light-weight mobile AR service framework that combines personal mobile devices most of people own nowadays, visual tags as inexpensive AR techniques, and mobile code that enables easy-to-deploy environments. Our framework enables developers to easily deploy mobile AR services in pervasive computing environments and users to interact them in a both of practical and intuitive way.


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  • (2014)Augmented Reality Web Applications with Mobile Agents in the Internet of ThingsProceedings of the 2014 Eighth International Conference on Next Generation Mobile Apps, Services and Technologies10.1109/NGMAST.2014.24(54-59)Online publication date: 10-Sep-2014
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  1. System support for mobile augmented reality services



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      cover image ACM Conferences
      SAC '07: Proceedings of the 2007 ACM symposium on Applied computing
      March 2007
      1688 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

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      Published: 11 March 2007


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      1. mobile augmented reality
      2. vidgets framework


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      • (2017)HyperionProceedings of the 8th ACM on Multimedia Systems Conference10.1145/3083187.3084017(284-295)Online publication date: 20-Jun-2017
      • (2016)ReadMeProceedings of the 24th ACM international conference on Multimedia10.1145/2964284.2967233(312-316)Online publication date: 1-Oct-2016
      • (2014)Augmented Reality Web Applications with Mobile Agents in the Internet of ThingsProceedings of the 2014 Eighth International Conference on Next Generation Mobile Apps, Services and Technologies10.1109/NGMAST.2014.24(54-59)Online publication date: 10-Sep-2014
      • (2013)Mobile computing application for industrial field service engineering: A case for ABB service engineers38th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks - Workshops10.1109/LCNW.2013.6758518(188-193)Online publication date: Oct-2013
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