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Virtual hierarchies to support server consolidation

Published: 09 June 2007 Publication History


Server consolidation is becoming an increasingly popular technique to manage and utilize systems. This paper develops CMP memory systems for server consolidation where most sharing occurs within Virtual Machines (VMs). Our memory systems maximize shared memory accesses serviced within a VM, minimize interference among separate VMs, facilitate dynamic reassignment of VMs to processors and memory, and support content-based page sharing among VMs. We begin with a tiled architecture where each of 64 tiles contains a processor, private L1 caches, and an L2 bank. First, we reveal why single-level directory designs fail to meet workload consolidation goals. Second, we develop the paper's central idea of imposing a two-level virtual (or logical) coherence hierarchy on a physically flat CMP that harmonizes with VM assignment. Third, we show that the best of our two virtual hierarchy (VH) variants performs 12-58% better than the best alternative flat directory protocol when consolidating Apache, OLTP, and Zeus commel workloads on our simulated 64-core CMP.


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  1. Virtual hierarchies to support server consolidation



    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News
    ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News  Volume 35, Issue 2
    May 2007
    527 pages
    Issue’s Table of Contents
    • cover image ACM Conferences
      ISCA '07: Proceedings of the 34th annual international symposium on Computer architecture
      June 2007
      542 pages
      • General Chair:
      • Dean Tullsen,
      • Program Chair:
      • Brad Calder
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 09 June 2007
    Published in SIGARCH Volume 35, Issue 2

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    Author Tags

    1. cache coherence
    2. chip multiprocessors (CMPs)
    3. memory hierarchies
    4. multicore
    5. partitioning
    6. server consolidation
    7. virtual machines


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    • (2016)Performance Analysis of Cache Coherence Protocols for Multi-core ArchitecturesProceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Information Communication Technology & Computing10.1145/2979779.2979801(1-7)Online publication date: 12-Aug-2016
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