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Software Design and Architecture The once and future focus of software engineering

Published: 23 May 2007 Publication History


The design of software has been a focus of software engineering research since the field's beginning. This paper explores key aspects of this research focus and shows why design will remain a principal focus. The intrinsic elements of software design, both process and product, are discussed: concept formation, use of experience, and means for representation, reasoning, and directing the design activity. Design is presented as being an activity engaged by a wide range of stakeholders, acting throughout most of a system's lifecycle, making a set of key choices which constitute the application's architecture. Directions for design research are outlined, including: (a) drawing lessons, inspiration, and techniques from design fields outside of computer science, (b) emphasizing the design of application "character" (functionality and style) as well as the application's structure, and (c) expanding the notion of software to encompass the design of additional kinds of intangible complex artifacts.


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FOSE '07: 2007 Future of Software Engineering
May 2007
382 pages


IEEE Computer Society

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Published: 23 May 2007


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