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View all- Singhal LBozorgzadeh ENassif SRoychowdhury J(2008)Process variation aware system-level task allocation using stochastic ordering of delay distributionsProceedings of the 2008 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design10.5555/1509456.1509583(570-574)Online publication date: 10-Nov-2008
- Wang FWu XXie YKyung CChoi KHa S(2008)Variability-driven module selection with joint design time optimization and post-silicon tuningProceedings of the 2008 Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference10.5555/1356802.1356806(2-9)Online publication date: 21-Jan-2008
- Ghamarian AGeilen MBasten TStuijk SSciuto D(2008)Parametric throughput analysis of synchronous data flow graphsProceedings of the conference on Design, automation and test in Europe10.1145/1403375.1403407(116-121)Online publication date: 10-Mar-2008