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10.1145/1273463.1273486acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesisstaConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Finding what's not there: a new approach to revealing neglected conditions in software

Published: 09 July 2007 Publication History


Neglected conditions are an important but difficult-to-find class of software defects. This paper presents a novel approach to revealing neglected conditions that integrates static program analysis and advanced data mining techniques to discover implicit conditional rules in a code base and to discover rule violations that indicate neglected conditions. The approach requires the user to indicate minimal constraints on the context of the rules to be sought, rather than specific rule templates. To permit this generality, rules are modeled as graph minors of program dependence graphs, and both frequent itemset mining and frequent subgraph mining algorithms are employed to identify candidate rules. We report the results of an empirical evaluation of the approach in which it was used to discover conditional rules and neglected conditions in ~25,000 lines of source code.


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ISSTA '07: Proceedings of the 2007 international symposium on Software testing and analysis
July 2007
258 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 09 July 2007


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  1. automatic defect detection
  2. frequent itemset mining
  3. frequent subgraph mining
  4. mining software repositories
  5. program dependences


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