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View all- Ursyn A(2012)Visual TweetBiologically-Inspired Computing for the Arts10.4018/978-1-4666-0942-6.ch012(207-239)Online publication date: 2012
A promoter is a brief stretch of DNA (100–1,000 bp) where RNA polymerase starts to transcribe a gene. A DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) base pair is a fundamental unit of DNA structure and represents the pairing of two complementary nucleotide bases within ...
Protein-DNA bindings are essential activities. Understanding them forms the basis for further deciphering of biological and genetic systems. In particular, the protein-DNA bindings between transcription factors (TFs) and transcription factor binding ...
The identification of DNA motifs remains an active challenge for the researchers in the bioinformatics domain. A considerable effort in this area was concentrated on understanding the evolution of the genome by identifying the DNA binding sites for ...
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