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Scan primitives for GPU computing

Published: 04 August 2007 Publication History


The scan primitives are powerful, general-purpose data-parallel primitives that are building blocks for a broad range of applications. We describe GPU implementations of these primitives, specifically an efficient formulation and implementation of segmented scan, on NVIDIA GPUs using the CUDA API. Using the scan primitives, we show novel GPU implementations of quicksort and sparse matrix-vector multiply, and analyze the performance of the scan primitives, several sort algorithms that use the scan primitives, and a graphical shallow-water fluid simulation using the scan framework for a tridiagonal matrix solver.


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cover image ACM Conferences
GH '07: Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGGRAPH/EUROGRAPHICS symposium on Graphics hardware
August 2007
119 pages



Eurographics Association

Goslar, Germany

Publication History

Published: 04 August 2007

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GH07: Graphics Hardware
August 4 - 5, 2007
California, San Diego

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GH '07 Paper Acceptance Rate 12 of 30 submissions, 40%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 50 of 126 submissions, 40%


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