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View all- Pérez-Rosés HBras-Amorós MSerradilla-Merinero J(2022)Greedy Routing in Circulant NetworksGraphs and Combinatorics10.1007/s00373-022-02489-938:3Online publication date: 16-Apr-2022
- Dietzfelbinger MWoelfel PChekuri C(2014)Tight lower bounds for greedy routing in higher-dimensional small-world gridsProceedings of the twenty-fifth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms10.5555/2634074.2634134(816-829)Online publication date: 5-Jan-2014
- Fraigniaud PGiakkoupis G(2014)Greedy routing in small-world networks with power-law degreesDistributed Computing10.1007/s00446-014-0210-y27:4(231-253)Online publication date: 1-Aug-2014
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