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Discrete laplace operators: no free lunch

Published: 04 July 2007 Publication History


Discrete Laplace operators are ubiquitous in applications spanning geometric modeling to simulation. For robustness and efficiency, many applications require discrete operators that retain key structural properties inherent to the continuous setting. Building on the smooth setting, we present a set of natural properties for discrete Laplace operators for triangular surface meshes. We prove an important theoretical limitation: discrete Laplacians cannot satisfy all natural properties; retroactively, this explains the diversity of existing discrete Laplace operators. Finally, we present a family of operators that includes and extends well-known and widely-used operators.


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          Published In

          cover image ACM Other conferences
          SGP '07: Proceedings of the fifth Eurographics symposium on Geometry processing
          July 2007
          273 pages


          • EUROGRAPHICS: The European Association for Computer Graphics


          Eurographics Association

          Goslar, Germany

          Publication History

          Published: 04 July 2007

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          • Article


          SGP '07
          • EUROGRAPHICS
          SGP '07: Geometry processing
          July 4 - 6, 2007
          Barcelona, Spain

          Acceptance Rates

          SGP '07 Paper Acceptance Rate 21 of 74 submissions, 28%;
          Overall Acceptance Rate 64 of 240 submissions, 27%


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