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View all- Nicholas CMunson E(2013)Document engineering educationACM SIGWEB Newsletter10.1145/2430733.24307342013:Winter(1-5)Online publication date: 1-Jan-2013
It is widely acknowledged that computational science and engineering (CSE) will play a critical role in the future of the scientific discovery process and engineering design. However, in recent years computational skills have been deemphasized in the ...
As part of a national strategic plan recently established by the Ministry of Education in Israel to strengthen science and technology education, an innovative Computer Science (CS) curriculum for middle school was developed. One main goal of the new ...
The topic of this proposed special session is security education with an emphasis on increasing the number of schools and programs that teach it. We will review the current status of security education as it is taught within the CS discipline including ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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