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10.1145/1287853.1287873acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesmobicomConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Crossing over the bounded domain: from exponential to power-law inter-meeting time in MANET

Published: 09 September 2007 Publication History


Inter-meeting time between mobile nodes is one of the key metrics in a Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) and central to the end-to-end delay and forwarding algorithms. It is typically assumed to be exponentially distributed in many performance studies of MANET or numerically shown to be exponentially distributed under most existing mobility models in the literature. However, recent empirical results show otherwise: the inter-meeting time distribution in fact follows a power-law. This outright discrepancy potentially undermines our understanding of the performance tradeoffs in MANET obtained under the exponential distribution ofthe inter-meeting time, and thus calls for further study on the power-law inter-meeting time including its fundamental cause, mobility modeling, and its effect. In this paper, we rigorously prove that a finite domain, on which most of the current mobility models are defined, plays an important role in creating the exponential tail of the inter-meeting time. We also prove that by simply removing the boundary in a simple two-dimensional isotropic random walk model, we are able to obtain the empirically observed power-law decay of the inter-meeting time. We then discuss the relationship between the size of the boundary and the relevant time scale of the network scenario under consideration. Our results thus provide guidelines on the design of new mobility models with power-law inter-meeting time distribution, new protocols including packet forwarding algorithms, as well as their performance analysis.


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  1. Crossing over the bounded domain: from exponential to power-law inter-meeting time in MANET



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      MobiCom '07: Proceedings of the 13th annual ACM international conference on Mobile computing and networking
      September 2007
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

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      Published: 09 September 2007


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      1. bounded domain
      2. exponential vs. power-law
      3. inter-meeting time distribution
      4. mobile ad-hoc network
      5. time and space scaling


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