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Finding the k shortest simple paths: A new algorithm and its implementation

Published: 01 November 2007 Publication History


We describe a new algorithm to enumerate the k shortest simple (loopless) paths in a directed graph and report on its implementation. Our algorithm is based on a replacement paths algorithm proposed by Hershberger and Suri [2001], and can yield a factor Θ(n) improvement for this problem. But there is a caveat: The fast replacement paths subroutine is known to fail for some directed graphs. However, the failure is easily detected, and so our k shortest paths algorithm optimistically uses the fast subroutine, then switches to a slower but correct algorithm if a failure is detected. Thus, the algorithm achieves its Θ(n) speed advantage only when the optimism is justified. Our empirical results show that the replacement paths failure is a rare phenomenon, and the new algorithm outperforms the current best algorithms; the improvement can be substantial in large graphs. For instance, on GIS map data with about 5,000 nodes and 12,000 edges, our algorithm is 4--8 times faster. In synthetic graphs modeling wireless ad hoc networks, our algorithm is about 20 times faster.


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  1. Finding the k shortest simple paths: A new algorithm and its implementation



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    cover image ACM Transactions on Algorithms
    ACM Transactions on Algorithms  Volume 3, Issue 4
    November 2007
    293 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 01 November 2007
    Published in TALG Volume 3, Issue 4


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    1. Loop-free paths
    2. directed paths
    3. path equivalence class
    4. replacement paths


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