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A shortcut fusion rule for circular program calculation

Published: 30 September 2007 Publication History


Circular programs are a powerful technique to express multiple traversal algorithms as a single traversal function in a lazy setting. In this paper, we present a shortcut deforestation technique to calculate circular programs. The technique we propose takes as input the composition of two functions, such that the first builds an intermediate structure and some additional context information which are then processed by the second one, to produce the final result. Our transformation into circular programs achieves intermediate structure deforestation and multiple traversal elimination. Furthermore, the calculated programs preserve the termination properties of the original ones.


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cover image ACM Conferences
Haskell '07: Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Haskell workshop
September 2007
126 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 30 September 2007


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  1. circular programming
  2. deforestation
  3. program calculation
  4. shortcut fusion


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