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A coinductive monad for prop-bounded recursion

Published: 02 October 2007 Publication History


This paper develops machinery necessary to mechanically import arbitrary functional programs into Coq's type theory, manually strengthen their specifications with additional proofs, and then mechanicaly re-extracting the newly-certified program in a form which is as efficient as the original program. In order to facilitate this goal, the coinductive technique of[Capretta2005] is modified to form a monad whose operators are the constructors of a coinductive type rather than functions defined over the type. The inductive invariant technique of [Krstic2003] is extended to allow optional "after the fact" termination proofs. These proofs inhabit members of Prop, and therefore do not affect extracted code. Compared to [Capretta2005], the new monad makes it possible to directly represent unrestricted recursion without violating productivity requirements [Gimenez1995], and it produces efficient code via Coq's extraction mechanism. The disadvantages of this technique include reliance on the JMeq axiom [McBride2000] and a significantly more complex notion of equality. The resulting technique is packaged as a Coq library, and is suitable for formalizing programs written in any side-effect-free functional language with call-by-value semantics. It can be downloaded from:


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cover image ACM Conferences
PLPV '07: Proceedings of the 2007 workshop on Programming languages meets program verification
October 2007
76 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 02 October 2007


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  1. coinductive types
  2. type theory


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  • (2012)Stop When You Are Almost-FullInteractive Theorem Proving10.1007/978-3-642-32347-8_17(250-265)Online publication date: 2012
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