Cited By
View all- Baswana SRoy SChouhan R(2013)Pertinent path profilingProceedings of the 2013 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO)10.1109/CGO.2013.6494983(1-12)Online publication date: 23-Feb-2013
Software testing is extensively used for uncovering bugs inlarge, complex software. Testing relies on well designed regression test suites that anticipate all reasonable software usage scenarios. Unfortunately, testers today have no way of knowing how ...
Recording dynamic information for only a subset of program entities can reduce monitoring overhead and can facilitate efficient monitoring of deployed software. Program entities, such as statements, can be monitored using probes that track the execution ...
Acyclic path profile is an abstraction of dynamic control flow paths of procedures and has been found to be useful in a wide spectrum of activities. Unfortunately, the runtime overhead of obtaining such a profile can be high, limiting its use in ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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