Cited By
View all- Plötz TMoynihan PPham COlivier P(2011)Activity Recognition and Healthier Food PreparationActivity Recognition in Pervasive Intelligent Environments10.2991/978-94-91216-05-3_14(313-329)Online publication date: 5-May-2011
<P>In recent years, the supermarket industry has become increasingly competitive. One outcome has been the proliferation of a variety of pricing formats, and considerable debate among academics and practitioners about how these formats affect consumers' ...
In this paper we examine the issue of balancing media advertising pull strategy and trade promotions push strategy for manufacturers of consumer packaged goods utilizing a three-stage game theoretic analysis and test model's implications with scanner ...
In recent years, the supermarket industry has become increasingly competitive. One outcome has been the proliferation of a variety of pricing formats, and considerable debate among academics and practitioners about how these formats affect consumers' ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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