Cited By
View all- Zhang JBaciu GZheng DLiang CLi GJinlian H(2013)IDSSIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics10.1109/TVCG.2012.6619:3(420-432)Online publication date: 1-Mar-2013
In this paper we describe a method for creating sharp features and trim regions on multiresolution subdivision surfaces along a set of user-defined curves. Operations such as engraving, embossing, and trimming are important in many surface modeling ...
Displacement mapping is a computer graphics technique that uses scalar offsets along normals on a base surface to represent and render a model with highly geometric details. The technique natively compresses the model and saves memory I/O. A subdivision ...
We present an automatic method to produce a Catmull-Clark subdivision surface that fits a given input mesh. Its control mesh is coarse and adaptive, and it is obtained by simplifying an initial mesh at high resolution. Simplification occurs ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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