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View all- Lee SBinkley DFeldt RGold NYoo S(2024)Causal Program Dependence AnalysisScience of Computer Programming10.1016/j.scico.2024.103208(103208)Online publication date: Sep-2024
- He SHe PChen ZYang TSu YLyu M(2021)A Survey on Automated Log Analysis for Reliability EngineeringACM Computing Surveys10.1145/346034554:6(1-37)Online publication date: 13-Jul-2021
- Bichhawat AFredrikson MYang J(2021)Automating Audit with Policy Inference2021 IEEE 34th Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF)10.1109/CSF51468.2021.00001(1-16)Online publication date: Jun-2021
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