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A unified framework for max-min and min-max fairness with applications

Published: 01 October 2007 Publication History


Max-min fairness is widely used in various areas of networking. In every case where it is used, there is a proof of existence and one or several algorithms for computing it; in most, but not all cases, they are based on the notion of bottlenecks. In spite of this wide applicability, there are still examples, arising in the context of wireless or peer-to-peer networks, where the existing theories do not seem to apply directly. In this paper, we give a unifying treatment of max-min fairness, which encompasses all existing results in a simplifying framework, and extend its applicability to new examples. First, we observe that the existence of max-min fairness is actually a geometric property of the set of feasible allocations. There exist sets on which max-min fairness does not exist, and we describe a large class of sets on which a max-min fair allo cation does exist. This class contains, but is not limited to the compact, convex sets of RN. Second, we give a general purpose centralized algorithm, called Max-min Programming, for computing the max-min fair allocation in all cases where it exists (whether the set of feasible allocations is in our class or not). Its complexity is of the order of N linear programming steps in RN, in the case where the feasible set is defined by linear constraints. We show that, if the set of feasible allocations has the free disposal property, then Max-min Programming reduces to a simpler algorithm, called Water Filling, whose complexity is much lower. Free disposal corresponds to the cases where a bottleneck argument can be made, andWater Filling is the general form of all previously known centralized algorithms for such cases. All our results apply mutatis mutandis to min-max fairness. Our results apply to weighted, unweighted and util-max-min and min-max fairness. Distributed algorithms for the computation of max-min fair allocations are outside the scope of this paper.


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cover image IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking  Volume 15, Issue 5
October 2007
235 pages


IEEE Press

Publication History

Published: 01 October 2007
Published in TON Volume 15, Issue 5

Author Tags

  1. best-effort traffic
  2. elastic traffic
  3. mathematical programming/optimization
  4. max-min fairness
  5. system design


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