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View all- Fawaz MNajm FParameswaran S(2017)Power grid verification under transient constraintsProceedings of the 36th International Conference on Computer-Aided Design10.5555/3199700.3199779(593-600)Online publication date: 13-Nov-2017
- Lu CJiang I(2017)Fast low power rule checking for multiple power domain designProceedings of the Conference on Design, Automation & Test in Europe10.5555/3130379.3130786(1749-1754)Online publication date: 27-Mar-2017
- Fawaz MNajm FFanucci LTeich J(2016)Accurate verification of RC power gridsProceedings of the 2016 Conference on Design, Automation & Test in Europe10.5555/2971808.2971995(814-817)Online publication date: 14-Mar-2016
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