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Finding linear building-blocks for RTL synthesis of polynomial datapaths with fixed-size bit-vectors

Published: 05 November 2007 Publication History


Polynomial computations over fixed-size bit-vectors are found in many practical datapath designs. For efficient RTL synthesis, it is important to identify good decompositions of the polynomial into smaller/simpler units. Symbolic computer algebra algorithms and tools have been used for this purpose. However, fixed-size (m) bit-vector arithmetic is polynomial algebra over the finite integer ring Z2m, which is a non-unique factorization domain (non-UFD). While non-UFDs provide an extra freedom to search for decompositions, they complicate polynomial manipulation as traditional division-based algorithms are inapplicable.
This paper presents new mathematical concepts for polynomial decomposition over Z2m, for RTL synthesis over fixed-size m-bit vectors. Given a polynomial, we identify a specific set of linear expressions and compute the Gröbner bases of their ideal (over non-UFD Z2m) using syzygies. This basis serves as good building-blocks for the given computation. A decomposition is identified by subsequent Gröbner basis reduction. Experimental results demonstrate significant area savings due to our approach, as compared against contemporary datapath synthesis techniques.


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  1. Finding linear building-blocks for RTL synthesis of polynomial datapaths with fixed-size bit-vectors



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    cover image ACM Conferences
    ICCAD '07: Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE/ACM international conference on Computer-aided design
    November 2007
    933 pages
    • General Chair:
    • Georges Gielen



    IEEE Press

    Publication History

    Published: 05 November 2007

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    • (2010)Modular datapath optimization and verification based on modular-HEDIEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems10.1109/TCAD.2010.205927129:9(1422-1435)Online publication date: 1-Sep-2010
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