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Gesture modeling and animation based on a probabilistic re-creation of speaker style

Published: 20 March 2008 Publication History


Animated characters that move and gesticulate appropriately with spoken text are useful in a wide range of applications. Unfortunately, this class of movement is very difficult to generate, even more so when a unique, individual movement style is required. We present a system that, with a focus on arm gestures, is capable of producing full-body gesture animation for given input text in the style of a particular performer. Our process starts with video of a person whose gesturing style we wish to animate. A tool-assisted annotation process is performed on the video, from which a statistical model of the person's particular gesturing style is built. Using this model and input text tagged with theme, rheme and focus, our generation algorithm creates a gesture script. As opposed to isolated singleton gestures, our gesture script specifies a stream of continuous gestures coordinated with speech. This script is passed to an animation system, which enhances the gesture description with additional detail. It then generates either kinematic or physically simulated motion based on this description. The system is capable of generating gesture animations for novel text that are consistent with a given performer's style, as was successfully validated in an empirical user study.


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  1. Gesture modeling and animation based on a probabilistic re-creation of speaker style



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    ACM Transactions on Graphics  Volume 27, Issue 1
    March 2008
    135 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 20 March 2008
    Accepted: 01 November 2007
    Revised: 01 May 2007
    Received: 01 August 2006
    Published in TOG Volume 27, Issue 1


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    1. Human modeling
    2. character animation
    3. gesture


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