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A hybrid epidemic model: combining the advantages of agent-based and equation-based approaches

Published: 09 December 2007 Publication History


Agent-based models (ABMs) are powerful in describing structured epidemiological processes involving human behavior and local interaction. The joint behavior of the agents can be very complex and tracking the behavior requires a disciplined approach. At the same time, equation-based models (EBMs) can be more tractable and allow for at least partial analytical insight. However, inadequate representation of the detailed population structure can lead to spurious results, especially when the epidemic process is beginning and individual variation is critical. In this paper, we demonstrate an approach that combines the two modeling paradigms and introduces a hybrid model that starts as agent-based and switches to equation-based after the number of infected individuals is large enough to support a population-averaged approach. This hybrid model can dramatically save computational times and, more fundamentally, allows for the mathematical analysis of emerging structures generated by the ABM.


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cover image ACM Conferences
WSC '07: Proceedings of the 39th conference on Winter simulation: 40 years! The best is yet to come
December 2007
2659 pages


  • IIE: Institute of Industrial Engineers
  • INFORMS-SIM: Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences: Simulation Society
  • ASA: American Statistical Association
  • IEEE/SMC: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers: Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society
  • SIGSIM: ACM Special Interest Group on Simulation and Modeling
  • NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • (SCS): The Society for Modeling and Simulation International


IEEE Press

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Published: 09 December 2007

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  • IIE
  • ASA
  • NIST
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WSC07: Winter Simulation Conference
December 9 - 12, 2007
Washington D.C.

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Overall Acceptance Rate 3,413 of 5,075 submissions, 67%


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