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View all- Schnure MKasaie PDowdy DWeir BDun CBeyrer C(2020)Assessing the impact of targeted screening and treatment of diabetes and hypertension among adults living with HIV in Nairobi, KenyaProceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference10.5555/3466184.3466295(980-991)Online publication date: 14-Dec-2020
- Rizoiu MMishra SKong QCarman MXie LChampin PGandon FMédini LLalmas MIpeirotis P(2018)SIR-HawkesProceedings of the 2018 World Wide Web Conference10.1145/3178876.3186108(419-428)Online publication date: 10-Apr-2018
- Scheidegger ABanerjee A(2017)An agent-based model to investigate behavior impacts on vector-borne disease spreadProceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference10.5555/3242181.3242425(1-12)Online publication date: 3-Dec-2017
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