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View all- Fernandez Slezak DTurjanski PMontaldo DMocskos E(2010)Hands-On Experience in HPC With Secondary School StudentsIEEE Transactions on Education10.1109/TE.2009.202549153:1(128-135)Online publication date: 1-Feb-2010
Higher education has the opportunity (and often the mandate) to provide STEM outreach to their communities. Summer camp programs are one mechanism for providing quality CS learning experiences to a wide audience. This BOF will provide a platform for ...
This special session examines frameworks for the preparation of high school computer science (CS) teachers from the Israeli perspective. Specifically, several Israeli CS teacher preparation programs and their components are presented. The presentation ...
Although the use of computers in secondary schools is rapidly increasing, there still remain many schools (particularly the smaller rural schools) which have no computer access suitable for classroom instruction. Providing educational opportunities in ...
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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