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10.1145/1362622.1362675acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesscConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Cray XT4: an early evaluation for petascale scientific simulation

Published: 10 November 2007 Publication History


The scientific simulation capabilities of next generation high-end computing technology will depend on striking a balance among memory, processor, I/O, and local and global network performance across the breadth of the scientific simulation space. The Cray XT4 combines commodity AMD dual core Opteron processor technology with the second generation of Cray's custom communication accelerator in a system design whose balance is claimed to be driven by the demands of scientific simulation. This paper presents an evaluation of the Cray XT4 using micro-benchmarks to develop a controlled understanding of individual system components, providing the context for analyzing and comprehending the performance of several petascale-ready applications. Results gathered from several strategic application domains are compared with observations on the previous generation Cray XT3 and other high-end computing systems, demonstrating performance improvements across a wide variety of application benchmark problems.


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Graham K. Jenkins

I have to confess to turning a bright shade of green when I read this paper. This was because I manage a cluster having about 200 AMD Opteron cores; the authors are from Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), where they have a system with some 23,000 Opteron cores! It should be noted that the Cray XT4 is an evolutionary descendant of the XT3, which used AMD Opteron 100-series processors, a Cray SeaStar custom interconnect, and a Catamount lightweight kernel operating system (OS). The SeaStar network interface controller (NIC) actually incorporates a PowerPC 440 processor with a direct memory access (DMA) engine onboard, enabling it to provide a sustained bidirectional bandwidth exceeding six gigabytes per second (GB/s). The Catamount OS used in the execute nodes was developed by Sandia National Laboratories to support one thread per node; it was subsequently enhanced to enable the use of dual-core Opterons. The body of the paper details a comparison of performance characteristics for a single-core XT3 cluster, a dual-core XT3 cluster, and a dual-core XT4 cluster. Application performance is the ultimate measure of system capability; insight gained from an analysis of microbenchmark tests can be helpful in optimizing performance. Among the microbenchmarks considered are network latency, matrix transposition (single and message-passing interface (MPI)), and the fast Fourier transform (single and MPI). In each case, the results are presented in colored graphics. Some well-known applications in atmospheric modeling (the community atmosphere model (CAM)), ocean modeling (the parallel ocean program (POP)), biomolecular simulation (nanoscale molecular dynamics (NAMD)), turbulent combustion (direct numerical simulation (DNS)), and fusion (all orders spectral algorithm (AORSA)) are then considered. Again, results are graphically presented. The paper ends with an analysis of results. There are no real surprises here; using both cores in a node can give performance improvements for algorithms that exhibit degrees of temporal locality. If you manage a high-performance computing facility, you'll find this paper invaluable. Online Computing Reviews Service

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cover image ACM Conferences
SC '07: Proceedings of the 2007 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing
November 2007
723 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 10 November 2007


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  1. AORSA
  2. CAM
  3. Cray XT4
  4. HPCC
  5. IOR
  6. NAMD
  7. POP
  8. S3D


  • Research-article

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