Cited By
View all- Kontopoulos EBassiliades NAntoniou G(2011)Visualizing Semantic Web proofs of defeasible logic in the DR-DEVICE systemKnowledge-Based Systems10.1016/j.knosys.2010.12.00124:3(406-419)Online publication date: 1-Apr-2011
Current industry standards for describing Web Services focus on ensuring interoperability across diverse platforms, but do not provide a good foundation for automating the use of Web Services. Representational techniques being developed for the Semantic ...
Academic and industrial bodies are considering the issue of Web Services as being the next step forward. A number of efforts have been made and are evolving to define specifications and architectures for the spreading of this new breed of web ...
The Web is evolving from a repository for text and images to a service provider-including information-providing services and services that have some effect on the world. Furthermore, today's Web was designed primarily for human use, but we are seeing ...
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