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10.1145/1389095.1389124acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesgeccoConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Modeling ant colony foraging in dynamic and confined environment

Published: 12 July 2008 Publication History


The collective foraging behavior of ants is an example of self-organization and
adaptation arising from the superposition of simple individual behavior. With the objective of understanding and modeling such interactions, experiments with the Argentine ants Linepithema humile were conducted into a relatively complex, artificial network. This consisted of interconnected branches and bifurcations, where the ants have to choose among fourteen different paths in order to reach a food source, and the branches can be blocked or unblocked at any time. Due mainly to stagnation problems, previous models did not accurately reproduce the behavior of ants in a changing environment. In this paper, a new model (ACF-DCM) is proposed, based on ACO principles and biological studies of insects. ACF-DCM succeeded in reproducing the behavior of ants in a confined and dynamic environment.


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Cited By

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  • (2023)Emergent communication enhances foraging behavior in evolved swarms controlled by spiking neural networksSwarm Intelligence10.1007/s11721-023-00231-618:1(1-29)Online publication date: 14-Dec-2023
  • (2012)A mathematical model of foraging in a dynamic environment by trail-laying Argentine antsJournal of Theoretical Biology10.1016/j.jtbi.2012.04.003306(32-45)Online publication date: Aug-2012



Information & Contributors


Published In

cover image ACM Conferences
GECCO '08: Proceedings of the 10th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation
July 2008
1814 pages
  • Conference Chair:
  • Conor Ryan,
  • Editor:
  • Maarten Keijzer
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 12 July 2008


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  1. ant foraging model
  2. artificial life


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  • (2023)Emergent communication enhances foraging behavior in evolved swarms controlled by spiking neural networksSwarm Intelligence10.1007/s11721-023-00231-618:1(1-29)Online publication date: 14-Dec-2023
  • (2012)A mathematical model of foraging in a dynamic environment by trail-laying Argentine antsJournal of Theoretical Biology10.1016/j.jtbi.2012.04.003306(32-45)Online publication date: Aug-2012

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