Cited By
View all- Tang FChen STan XHu TLin GKang Z(2015)Discovery scientific laws by hybrid evolutionary modelNeurocomputing10.1016/j.neucom.2012.07.058148(143-149)Online publication date: Jan-2015
An evolutionary algorithm able to synthesize low-sensitivity digital filters using a chromosome coding scheme based on the adjacency matrix is proposed. It is shown that the proposed representation is more flexible than GP-tree schemes and has a higher ...
Since the first investigations into Genetic Algorithms (GAs), they have been proposed as control-related systems. A characteristic of GAs is their versatility when used in optimising problems. GAs have been used in the design of digital filters. In this ...
Chebyshev functions, which are equiripple in a certain domain, are used to generate equiripple halfband lowpass frequency responses. Inverse Fourier transformation is then used to obtain explicit formulas for the corresponding impulse responses. The ...
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