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Schedulability analysis of preemptive and nonpreemptive EDF on partial runtime-reconfigurable FPGAs

Published: 03 October 2008 Publication History


Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are very popular in today's embedded systems design, and Partial Runtime-Reconfigurable (PRTR) FPGAs allow HW tasks to be placed and removed dynamically at runtime. Hardware task scheduling on PRTR FPGAs brings many challenging issues to traditional real-time scheduling theory, which have not been adequately addressed by the research community compared to software task scheduling on CPUs. In this article, we consider the schedulability analysis problem of HW task scheduling on PRPR FPGAs. We derive utilization bounds for several variants of global preemptive/nonpreemptive EDF scheduling, and compare the performance of different utilization bound tests.


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  1. Schedulability analysis of preemptive and nonpreemptive EDF on partial runtime-reconfigurable FPGAs



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        cover image ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems
        ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems  Volume 13, Issue 4
        September 2008
        328 pages
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        Association for Computing Machinery

        New York, NY, United States

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        Publication History

        Published: 03 October 2008
        Accepted: 01 March 2008
        Revised: 01 October 2007
        Received: 01 March 2007
        Published in TODAES Volume 13, Issue 4


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        1. FPGA
        2. Real-time scheduling
        3. reconfigurable devices


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