Cited By
View all- Hawick KScogings C(2010)Spatial pattern growth and emergent animat segregationWeb Intelligence and Agent Systems10.5555/1734741.17347448:2(165-179)Online publication date: 1-Apr-2010
MATSim is a mature and powerful traffic simulator, used for large scale traffic simulations, primarily to assess likely results of various infrastructure or road network changes. We have coupled MATSim with the BDI system GORITE to provide additional ...
The paper examines UML-based design and validation of reconfigurable embedded control systems which can have multiple software architectural configurations such that each one is designed by a set of inter-connected software components. To handle dynamic ...
This paper addresses the structural and behavioral characteristics of multi-agent system (MAS) for Quality of Service (QoS) management using MESSAGE (Methodology for Engineering Systems of Software Agents) modeling language that extends UML (Unified ...
Society for Computer Simulation International
San Diego, CA, United States
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