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View all- Tassa TGrinshpoun TYanai A(2019)A privacy preserving collusion secure DCOP algorithmProceedings of the 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence10.5555/3367471.3367707(4774-4780)Online publication date: 10-Aug-2019
- Khan MTran-Thanh LYeoh WJennings NAndre EKoenig SDastani MSukthankar G(2018)A Near-Optimal Node-to-Agent Mapping Heuristic for GDL-Based DCOP Algorithms in Multi-Agent SystemsProceedings of the 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems10.5555/3237383.3237938(1604-1612)Online publication date: 9-Jul-2018
- Tassa TGrinshpoun TZivan R(2017)Privacy preserving implementation of the max-sum algorithm and its variantsJournal of Artificial Intelligence Research10.5555/3176788.317679659:1(311-349)Online publication date: 1-May-2017
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