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10.1145/1410140.1410191acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesdocengConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Towards Brazilian Portuguese automatic text simplification systems

Published: 16 September 2008 Publication History


In this paper we investigate the main linguistic phenomena that can make texts complex and how they could be simplified. We focus on a corpus analysis of simple account texts available on the web for Brazilian Portuguese and propose simplification strategies for this language. This study illustrates the need for text simplification to facilitate accessibility to information by poor literacy readers and potentially by people with other cognitive disabilities. It also highlights characteristics of simplification for Portuguese, which may differ from other languages. Such study consists of the first step towards building Brazilian Portuguese text simplification systems. One of the scenarios in which these systems could be used is that of reading electronic texts produced, e.g., by the Brazilian government or by relevant news agencies.


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DocEng '08: Proceedings of the eighth ACM symposium on Document engineering
September 2008
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 16 September 2008


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  1. Brazilian Portuguese
  2. corpus analysis
  3. natural language processing
  4. poor literacy readers
  5. text simplification


  • Research-article


DocEng '08
DocEng '08: ACM Symposium on Document Engineering
September 16 - 19, 2008
Sao Paulo, Brazil

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