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Using a Hybrid Convolution Tree Kernel for Semantic Role Labeling

Published: 01 November 2008 Publication History


As a kind of Shallow Semantic Parsing, Semantic Role Labeling (SRL) is gaining more attention as it benefits a wide range of natural language processing applications. Given a sentence, the task of SRL is to recognize semantic arguments (roles) for each predicate (target verb or noun). Feature-based methods have achieved much success in SRL and are regarded as the state-of-the-art methods for SRL. However, these methods are less effective in modeling structured features. As an extension of feature-based methods, kernel-based methods are able to capture structured features more efficiently in a much higher dimension. Application of kernel methods to SRL has been achieved by selecting the tree portion of a predicate and one of its arguments as feature space, which is named as predicate-argument feature (PAF) kernel. The PAF kernel captures the syntactic tree structure features using convolution tree kernel, however, it does not distinguish between the path structure and the constituent structure. In this article, a hybrid convolution tree kernel is proposed to model different linguistic objects. The hybrid convolution tree kernel consists of two individual convolution tree kernels. They are a Path kernel, which captures predicate-argument link features, and a Constituent Structure kernel, which captures the syntactic structure features of arguments. Evaluations on the data sets of the CoNLL-2005 SRL shared task and the Chinese PropBank (CPB) show that our proposed hybrid convolution tree kernel statistically significantly outperforms the previous tree kernels. Moreover, in order to maximize the system performance, we present a composite kernel through combining our hybrid convolution tree kernel method with a feature-based method extended by the polynomial kernel. The experimental results show that the composite kernel achieves better performance than each of the individual methods and outperforms the best reported system on the CoNLL-2005 corpus when only one syntactic parser is used and on the CPB corpus when automated syntactic parse results and correct syntactic parse results are used respectively.


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ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing  Volume 7, Issue 4
November 2008
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Published: 01 November 2008
Published in TALIP Volume 7, Issue 4


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  1. Semantic role labeling
  2. hybrid convolution tree kernel


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