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Dynamic analysis of Ada programs for comprehension and quality measurement

Published: 26 October 2008 Publication History


During maintenance and particularly during corrective and perfective tasks, systems tend to exhibit a weight gain. As a result, their quality tends to degrade. Software comprehension is vital in order to assess system quality. In this paper, we aim at deploying dynamic analysis of Ada programs for obtaining comprehension, and applying measurements to assess their quality. Program instrumentation is performed non-intrusively by AspectAda, an aspect-oriented extension to Ada which we discussed in earlier work. Events which are required for this analysis are captured as execution traces. We have defined a relational database schema to save execution traces, and a set of queries to obtain measures of quality metrics. New Ada-specific metrics are introduced and existing metrics have been adopted from the literature. Automation is also provided as a proof of concept through a prototypical tool which provides information on the run-time behavior of the system, performs measurements and provides visualization of the run-time behavior of the system through a call graph. An open source Ada program is used as a case study to demonstrate our approach.


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cover image ACM SIGAda Ada Letters
ACM SIGAda Ada Letters  Volume 28, Issue 3
December 2008
129 pages
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  • cover image ACM Conferences
    SIGAda '08: Proceedings of the 2008 ACM annual international conference on SIGAda annual international conference
    October 2008
    150 pages
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Publication History

Published: 26 October 2008
Published in SIGADA Volume 28, Issue 3

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  1. dynamic program analysis
  2. program comprehension
  3. quality measurement and metrics


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