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View all- HSIAO DKERR DMADNICK S(1979)PRIVACY AND ITS TECHNICAL IMPLICATIONS ON SECURITYComputer Security10.1016/B978-0-12-357650-7.50009-0(17-41)Online publication date: 1979
Tagging recommender systems provide users the freedom to explore tags and obtain recommendations. The releasing and sharing of these tagging datasets will accelerate both commercial and research work on recommender systems. However, releasing the ...
As the amount of data being collected by service providers increases, privacy concerns increase for the data owners that must provide private data to get services. Legislative acts require enterprises protect the privacy of their customers and privacy ...
Privacy protection appears as a fundamental concern when personal data is collected, stored, and published. Several anonymization methods have been proposed to address privacy issues in private datasets. Every anonymization method has at least one ...
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