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Computing prior to FORTRAN

Published: 07 June 1982 Publication History


The life of the programmer in pre-FORTRAN days is characterized in modern terminology, indicating how strongly FORTRAN has changed the programmer's condition and working habits.


Youden, W. W. "Computer Literature Bibliography 1946 to 1963." US Natl. Bur. Standards Misc. Publ. 266, 1965 Mar 31.
Wilkinson, J. H. "Coding on automatic digital computing machines." Report Conf. on High Speed Automatic Calculating-Machines, Univ. Math. Lab., Cambridge, England, 1949 Jun 22--25, 28--35.
Huskey, H. D. "Semiautomatic instruction on the Zephyr." Proc. 2nd Symp. on Large-scale Digital Calculating Machinery, Cambridge, MA, 1949 Sep 13--16, 83--90, Harvard U. Press, 1951, Annals Vol. 26.
Stowe, L. "Programming." Office of Naval Research Seminar on Data Handling and Automatic Computing, Washington, DC, 1951 Feb 26-Mar 6, 79--84.
Wilkes, M. V., D. J. Wheeler, S. Gill. "The Preparation of Programs for a Digital Computer." Addison-Wesley Press, Cambridge, MA, 1951.
Proc. ACM Conf., 1952 May, Pittsburgh, PA.
Adams, C. W. "Small problems on large computers." 99--102.
Lipkis, R. "The use of subroutines on SWAC." 231--234.
Wheeler, D. J. "The use of subroutines in programmes," 235--236.
Carr, J. W. III. "Progress of the Whirlwind computer towards an automatic programming procedure." 237--242.
Hopper, G. M. "The education of a computer." 243--250.
Proc. ACM Conf., 1952, Toronto.
Ridgway, R. K. "Compiling routines." 1--5.
Isaac, E. J. "Machine aids to coding." 17--28.
Strachey, C. S. "Logical or non-mathematical programmes." 46--49.
Bennett, J. M., D. G. Prinz, M. L. Woods. "Interpretative subroutines." 81--87.
Rutishauser, H. "Automatische Rechenplanfertigung bei programmgesteuterten Rechenmaschinen." Mitteilung aus dem Institut fur angewandte Mathematik, Basel, 1952, 1--45.
Rochester, N. "Symbolic programming." PGEC (IRE Transactions on Electronic Computers), Vol. EC-2, No. 1, New York, 1953 Mar, 10--15. LC Card 57-39723.
Hopper, G. M. "Compiling routines." Computers and Automation 2, No. 4, 1953 May, 1--5.
Hopper, G. M., J. W. Mauchly. "Influence of programming techniques on the design of computers." Proc. IRE 41, No. 10, 1953 Oct, 1250--54.
Bouricius, W. G. "Operating experience with the Los Alamos 701." Proc. Eastern Joint Comput. Conf., 1953 Dec 8--10, 45--47.
Bennett, J. M., A. E. Glennie. "Programming for high-speed digital calculating machines." In "Faster than Thought." B. V. Bowden, London, Pitman, 1953, 101--116. LC Card 54-15305.
Wilkes, M. V. "The use of a 'Floating Address' system for orders in an automatic digital computer." Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., 49, Part I, 1953, 84.
Laning, J. H., N. Zierler. "A program for translation of mathematical equations for Whirlwind I." Engg. Memo. E-364, M.I.T. Instr. Lab., 1954 Jan.
Backus, J. W. "The IBM 701 speed-coding system." J. ACM 1, No. 1, 1954 Jan, 4--6.
Symposium on Automatic Programming for Digital Computers, Office of Naval Research, Washington, DC, 1954 May 13--14. LC Card 56-60789 rev.
G. Hopper. "G. M. Automatic programming definitions." 1--5.
Moser, N. B. "Compiler method of automatic programming." 15--21.
Waite, J. "Editing generators." 22--29.
Goldfinger, R. "New York University compiler system." 30--33.
Holberton, F. E. "Application of automatic coding to logical processes." 34--39.
Adams, C. W., J. H. Laning, Jr. "The M.I.T. systems of automatic coding: Comprehensive, Summer Session and Algebraic." 40--68.
Muller, D. E. "Interpretive routines in the Illiac library." 69--73.
Gorn, S. "Planning universal semiautomatic coding." 74--83.
Brown, J. H., J. W. Carr III. "Automatic programming and its development on the MIDAC." 84--98.
Livingston, H. M. "Automatic programming on the Burroughs Laboratory computer." 99--105.
Backus, J. W., H. Herrick. "IBM 701 speedcoding and other automatic-programming systems." 106--113.
Elmore, M. "The LMO edit compiler," 114--116.
Keller, A., R. A. Butterworth. "Programming for the IBM 701 electronic data processing machine with repetitively used functions." 117--149.
Jones, J. L. "A survey of automatic coding techniques for digital computers." M.S. Thesis, M.I.T., 1954 May.
Proc. Eastern Joint Comput. Conf. 1954 Dec 8--10.
Rice, R. Jr. "Why not try a plugboard?" 4--10.
Krider, L. D. "Applications of automatic coding to small calculators." 64--67.
Rutishauser, H. "Some programming techniques for the ERMETH." J. ACM 2, No. 1, 1955 Jan, 1--4.
Herbst, E., N. Metropolis, M. B. Wells. "Analysis of problem codes on the MANIAC." M.T.A.C. 9, No. 49, 1955 Jan, 14--20.
Hopper, G. M. "Automatic programming of digital computers." Proc. High Speed Comput. Conf., Baton Rouge, LA, 1955 Feb 16, 113--118. LC Card 57-63206.
Denke, P. H., I. V. Boldt. "A general digital computer program for static stress analysis." Proc. Western Joint Comput. Conf., 1955 Mar 1--3, 72--78.
Bradshaw, T. F. "Automatic data processing methods." Proc. Auto. Data Proc. Conf., Cambridge, MA, 1955 Sep 8--9, 3--27, Harvard U. Press, 1956.
"Automatic programming the A-2 compiler system." Parts 1 and 2, Computers and Automation, 4, Nos. 9 and 10, 1955 Sep and Oct.
Electronic Digital Computers and Information Processing, Darmstadt, Germany, 1955 Oct 25--27, F Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1956. LC Card 59-18764.
Rutishauser, H. "Methods to simplify programming, 5 years work with the Z4 computer" (German), 26--30.
Samelson, K. "Problems of programming techniques" (German), 141--142.
Lehmann, M. J. "Automatic computer programming" (German), 143.
Loopstra, B. J. "Processing of formulas by machines." 146--147.
Thuring, B. "The automatic programming of Univac by the A-2 compiler system." (German), 154--156.
Technical Newsletter No. 10, IBM Applied Science Division, New York 1955 Oct.
Ruthrauff, R. E. "Symbolic coding and assembly for the IBM Type 650." 5--14.
Horner, J. T. "Relative programming for the IBM Type 650." 15--27.
Bosak, R. "Development of a floating decimal coding system (FACS)." 28--30.
Bemer, R. W. et al. (Lockheed MSD). "A general utility system for the IBM Type 650." 31--48.
Mandelin, A. R., K. D. Weaver. "A selective automonitoring tracing routine called SAM." 49--62.
Battin, R. H., R. J. O'Keefe, M. E. Petrick. "The MIT Instrumentation Laboratory automatic coding 650 program." 63--79.
Titus, C. K. "An integrated computation system for the IBM 650." 80--89.
Hume, J. N. P., B. H. Worsley. "TRANSCODE, a system of automatic coding for FERUT." J. ACM 2, No. 4, 1955 Oct, 243--252.
T. Gorman, T. P., G. Kelly, R. B. Reddy. "Automatic coding for the IBM 701." J. ACM 2, No. 4, 1955 Oct, 253--261.
C. Adams, C. W. "Developments in programming research." Proc. Eastern Joint Computer Conf., 1955 Nov 7--9, 75--79.
Gordon, B. "An optimizing program for the IBM 650." J. ACM 3. No. 1, 1956 Jan. 3--5.
Proc. High Speed Computer Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, 1956 Feb. LC Card 57-63206.
Hopper, G. M. "Automatic coding techniques 1955." 6--12.
Heller, J. "Mathematical service routines." 151--153.
Perry, D. P. "Specifications for an automatic matrix program." 210--215.
Proc. Western Joint Computer Conf. 1956 Feb 7--9.
Ross, D. T. "Gestalt programming, a new concept in automatic programming." 5--9.
Grems, M., R. E. Porter. "A truly automatic programming system." 10--20.
Moncrieff, B. "An automatic supervisor for the IBM 702." 21--25.
Bemer, R. W. "PRINT I, a proposed coding system for the IBM Type 705." 45--48.
Goldfinger, R. "The IBM Type 705 Autocoder." 49--51.
Meek, H. V. "An experimental monitoring routine for the IBM 705." 68--69.
Brooker, R. A. "The programming strategy used with the Manchester University Mark I computer." IEEE Conf. on Digital Computer Techniques, Suppl. Part B, Vol. 103, London, 1956 Apr 9--13.
Perkins, R. "EASIAC, a pseudo-computer." J. ACM 3, No. 2, 1956 Apr, 65--72.
Bauer, W. F. "An integrated computation system for the ERA-1103." J. ACM 3, No. 3, 1956 Jul, 181--185.
Blum, E. K. "Automatic digital encoding system II (ADES II)." Proc. ACM Conf. 1956, 29.
Chipps, J., M. Koschmann, S. Orgel, A. J. Perlis, J. Smith. "A mathematical language compiler." Proc. ACM Conf. 1956, 31.
Symp. Advanced Programming Methods for Digital Computers. 1956 June 28--29, ONR Report ACR-15, 1956 Oct.
Hopper, G. M. "The interlude 1954 to 1956." 1--2.
Wegstein, J. H. "Automatic coding principles." 3--6.
Thompson, C. E. "Development of common language automatic programming systems." 7--14.
Benington, H. D. "Production of large computer programs." 15--28.
Jones, F. "SHARE, a study in the reduction of redundant programming efforts through the promotion of inter-installation communication." 29--34.
Carr, J. W. III, B. Arden, "Advanced programming techniques with smaller computers." 35--38.
Goldstein, M. "Computing at Los Alamos, Group T-1." 39--44.
Wells, M. "Coding for the MANIAC." 45--48.
Holberton, F. E. "Proposed advanced coding system for the UNIVACLARC." 49--56.
Waite, J. H. Jr. "RCA approach to automatic coding for commercial problems." 57--66.
Selfridge, R. G. "The PACT compiler for the 701." 67--70.
Blum, E. K. "Automatic digital encoding system II." 71--76.
J. ACM 4, No. 4, 1956 Oct.
Melahn, W. S. "A description of a cooperative venture in the production of an automatic coding system." 266--271.
Baker, C. L. "The PACT I coding system for the IBM Type 701." 272--278.
Mock, O. R. "The logical organization of the PACT I compiler." 279--287.
Miller, R. C. Jr., B. G. Oldfield. "Producing computer instructions for the PACT I compiler." 288--291.
Hempstead, G., J. I. Schwartz. "PACT loop expansion." 292--298.
Derr, J. I., R. C. Luke. "Semiautomatic allocation of data storage for PACT I." 299--308.
Greenwald, I. D., H. G. Martin. "Conclusions after using the PACT I advanced coding technique." 309--313.
Symp. on Automatic Coding. Franklin Institute. Philadelphia, PA, 1957 Jan 24--25, Monograph No. 3.
Petersen, R. M. "Automatic coding at G.E." 3--16.
Katz, C. "Systems of debugging automatic coding." 17--28.
Bemer, R. W. "PRINT I, an automatic coding system for the IBM 705." 29--38.
Kinzler, H. M., P. M. Moskowitz. "The procedure translator, a system of automatic coding." 39--56.
McGee, R. C. "Omnicode, a common language programming system." 57--70.
McGinn, L. C. "A matrix compiler for Univac." 71--86.
Perlis, A. J., J. W. Smith. "A mathematical language compiler." 87--102.
Yowell, E. C. "A mechanized approach to automatic coding." 103 ff.
Proc. Western Joint Computer Conf. 1957 Feb 26--28.
Grems, M. D., R. K. Smith, W. Stadler. "Diagnostic techniques improve reliability." 172--178.
Baskus, J. W., R. J. Beeber, S. Best, R. Goldberg, L. M. Haibt, H. L. Herrick, R. A. Nelson, D. Sayre, P. B. Sheridan, H. Stern, I. Ziller, R. A. Hughes, R. Nutt. "The Fortran automatic coding system." 188--197.
Newell, A., J. C. Shaw. "Programming the Logic theory machine." 230--240.
Table, Comm. ACM 1, No. 2, 4.
Tables, Comm. ACM 1, No. 11, 5--6.
Glass, R. L. "Software parts nostalgia." in Reader's Forum, Datamation 27, No. 12, 1981 Nov, 245--247.

Cited By

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  • (1988)An annotated bibliography of secondary sources on the history of softwareIEEE Annals of the History of Computing10.1109/MAHC.1987.100339:3-4(291-343)Online publication date: 1-Jan-1988
  • (1986)Nearly 650 Memories of the 650IEEE Annals of the History of Computing10.1109/MAHC.1986.100148:1(66-69)Online publication date: Jan-1986



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AFIPS '82: Proceedings of the June 7-10, 1982, national computer conference
June 1982
857 pages
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Published: 07 June 1982


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  • (1988)An annotated bibliography of secondary sources on the history of softwareIEEE Annals of the History of Computing10.1109/MAHC.1987.100339:3-4(291-343)Online publication date: 1-Jan-1988
  • (1986)Nearly 650 Memories of the 650IEEE Annals of the History of Computing10.1109/MAHC.1986.100148:1(66-69)Online publication date: Jan-1986

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