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View all- Erkan ABarr J(2023)Spreadsheets As Hands-on Learning Tools In a Discrete Math/Structures CourseJournal of Computing Sciences in Colleges10.5555/3606402.360642138:8(158-172)Online publication date: 1-Apr-2023
This paper presents a method to synthesize labeled Petri nets from state-based models. Although state-based models (such as Finite State Machines) are a powerful formalism to describe the behavior of sequential systems, they cannot explicitly express ...
Spreadsheets are popular end-user programming tools. Many people use spreadsheet-computed values to make critical decisions, so spreadsheets must be correct. Proven software engineering principles can assist the construction and maintenance of ...
Aspect-oriented programming modularizes crosscutting concerns into aspects with the advice invoked at the specified points of program execution. Aspects can be used in a harmful way that invalidates desired properties and even destroys the conceptual ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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