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10.1145/1514274.1514308acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PageswisecConference Proceedingsconference-collections

A confidential and DoS-resistant multi-hop code dissemination protocol for wireless sensor networks

Published: 16 March 2009 Publication History


Code dissemination protocols provide a convenient way to update program images via wireless communication. Due to the open environment in which Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are typically deployed, it is important that a code dissemination protocol ensures that a program image update can be authenticated as coming from a trusted source. In some applications it is also required that the data be kept confidential in spite of the possibility of message interception. Authentication and confidentiality are implemented through cryptographic operations which may be expensive in power consumption, making a protocol with these features vulnerable to attack by an adversary who transmits forged data, forcing nodes to waste energy in identifying it as invalid i.e., a signature-based DoS attack). Additionally, in multi-hop dissemination protocols, each sensor node is required to broadcast its program image when requested by its neighbors. An adversary could repeatedly send spurious program image requests to its neighbors, making them exhaust their energy reserves i.e., request-based DoS attack). In this paper, we present a new approach to achieve confidentiality in multi-hop code dissemination. We propose counter-measures against both types of DoS attacks mentioned above. To our knowledge, we are the first to integrate confidentiality and DoS-attack-resistance in a multi-hop code dissemination protocol. Our approach is based on Deluge, an open source, state-of-the-art code dissemination protocol for WSNs. In addition, We provide a performance evaluation in terms of latency and energy consumption in our scheme, compared with the original Deluge and the existing secure Deluge.


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  1. A confidential and DoS-resistant multi-hop code dissemination protocol for wireless sensor networks



          Jesus Villadangos

          Tan et al. propose a protocol to resolve both confidentiality and denial-of-service (DoS) attacks in multi-hop wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Two specific security problems exist due to a WSN's limitations on energy consumption and computation power: in a signature-based DoS attack, "an adversary who transmits forged data ... [forces] nodes to waste energy in identifying it as invalid"; in a request-based DoS attack, an adversary "repeatedly send[s] spurious program image requests to its neighbors, making them exhaust their energy reserves." In both cases, the adversary can exhaust the elements (sensors) of the network, compromising the network service. Thus, Tan et al. propose a protocol that works on the confidentiality of the data and avoids unnecessary message forwarding. The basic idea of the algorithm is illustrated in Figure 2. The algorithm works at the packet level, and uses a version number, a cipher puzzle, and a version key. These parameters are validated before decryption takes place; the values are easy to calculate, but difficult to extract, because the complete set of packets is required. The computation power is reduced, since it is more efficient than the decryption of the whole packet. Additionally, the algorithm stores the number of times a packet has been forwarded, which helps avoid request-based DoS attacks. The protocol "is based on Deluge, an open source, state-of-the-art code dissemination protocol for WSNs." It employs the same three-stage process for data dissemination: advertisement, request, and update. The authors compare their proposal with "the original Deluge and the existing secure Deluge." Although this newly proposed protocol consumes more energy, its added verifications help to avoid signature-based and request-based DoS attacks. This paper analyzes the performance of the algorithms in the presence of signature-based and request-based attacks. Unfortunately, the authors do not compare their proposal with other protocols. Online Computing Reviews Service

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          cover image ACM Conferences
          WiSec '09: Proceedings of the second ACM conference on Wireless network security
          March 2009
          280 pages
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          Association for Computing Machinery

          New York, NY, United States

          Publication History

          Published: 16 March 2009


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          Author Tags

          1. broadcast authentication
          2. code dissemination protocols
          3. code distribution
          4. sensor network security


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          Overall Acceptance Rate 98 of 338 submissions, 29%


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