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Enhanced auditory menu cues improve dual task performance and are preferred with in-vehicle technologies

Published: 21 September 2009 Publication History


Auditory display research for driving has mainly focused on collision warning signals, and recent studies on auditory in-vehicle information presentation have examined only a limited range of tasks (e.g., cell phone operation tasks or verbal tasks such as reading digit strings). The present study used a dual task paradigm to evaluate a plausible scenario in which users navigated a song list. We applied enhanced auditory menu navigation cues, including spearcons (i.e., compressed speech) and a spindex (i.e., a speech index that used brief audio cues to communicate the user's position in a long menu list). Twenty-four undergraduates navigated through an alphabetized song list of 150 song titles---rendered as an auditory menu---while they concurrently played a simple, perceptual-motor, ball-catching game. The menu was presented with text-to-speech (TTS) alone, TTS plus one of three types of enhanced auditory cues, or no sound at all. Both performance of the primary task (success rate of the game) and the secondary task (menu search time) were better with the auditory menus than with no sound. Subjective workload scores (NASA TLX) and user preferences favored the enhanced auditory cue types. Results are discussed in terms of multiple resources theory and practical IVT design applications.


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AutomotiveUI '09: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications
September 2009
143 pages



Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 21 September 2009


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  1. IVTs (in-vehicle technologies)
  2. TTS (text-to-speech)
  3. auditory display
  4. auditory menus
  5. dual task
  6. infotainment
  7. multiple resources
  8. spearcon
  9. spindex


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